Category Archives: India Healthcare

Biology dictates reality – Covid

Really sadden to see how this covid pandemic affecting peoples lives and surrounded  lives , in my close family relations my uncle and my aunty, both of them aged 60+ died few weeks ago due to covid , both of the were retired teachers and both of them got admitted to same hospital ,most hurting part was that my aunty died and got cremated, due to my uncle condition we are not able to inform that his wife no more , three days later my uncle also died without even knowing his wife also died , on those 3 days he keep asking about my aunt condition and did she also getting the same treatment etc , its so much pain …. no words to write.

This pandemic affects on all levels i.e. family , kids, financial you name it , people lost their jobs , not able to feed their family , no vaccine available etc , this pandemic puts growing countries economy and their peoples lives back to 3 decades back which is really hurting and makes me unhappy.

Things which are in our hand and what we can do to prevent ourselves

  • Wear mask and sanitize every time you come back home , keep distance , get vaccinated
  • Buy only the things you need and allow for others to buy as well i.e. don’t create scarcity
  • Give things back to community which ever way possible
  • If you are not able to help, don’t criticise who does
  • Everyone going through this hard time so understand the same , don’t argue with street vendors for bargain
  • Spread awareness about covid and break the myths
  • Help your neighbours and get to know them after all this is the right time to build solid community

Stay safe and be well , god bless us

Managing diabetes during Covid-19

Due to various reason I was not able to write posts regularly, especially on this pandemic people lost jobs, lost dear ones and their day to day activities got severely affected on all front i.e. financially , emotionally etc.

As we all know that diabetes is chronic illness and very vulnerable to infections due to compromised immune system, what we can do about it and how do make sure that we can keep ourself safe and make people around us safe ?

  • Wash hands thoroughly and regularly.
  • Try to avoid touching your face before you have washed and dried your hands.
  • Clean and disinfect any objects and surfaces that are touched frequently.
  • Don’t share food, glasses, towels, tools etc.
  • When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or use the crook of your arm if you don’t have a tissue to hand (dispose of the tissue appropriately after use).
  • Try to avoid contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing.
  • Think whether you can make changes that will help protect yourself or loved ones. For example, can you avoid unnecessary business travel? Can you avoid large gatherings? Can you avoid public transport?
  • If you are ill with flu-like symptoms, stay at home.

Please look at the treatment protocol issued by AIIMS

Stay safe and be safe 🙂

Book review – Freedom from diabetes manual & recipe handbook by Dr.Pramod Tripathi

I have recently bought the ebook released by Dr.Pramod tripathi on manual & recipe handbook of freedom from diabetes , given below were some of the notes from the book.

· Dr Neal Barnard for bringing to the forefront the role of fat in insulin resistance and publishing his research papers that reversal is possible

· Type 2 diabetes happens because

o Excess fat interfering with the action of two major hormones – Insulin & leptin

§ Major cause of diabetes is not sugar but FAT

§ Excess fat inside muscle cells causing insulin resistance

§ Leptin hormone produced by fat cells

· Responsible for communicating with brain to give a signal to stop eating food

· Making the fat move from storage

· Tell the brain to start burning fat whenever there is more fat cells there is more leptin and consequently the body becomes leptin resistance

o Acidic and inflamed system interfering with repair mechanisms

o Lack of micro nutrients interfering with energy production and repair

· More fat = more insulin resistance = more work for pancreas and exhaustion of pancreas = blood sugar raise = Diabetes

· Diabetes is primarily not a disease of carbohydrate metabolism but fat metabolism

· Our blood and most body bards are alkaline and continuously being in a sea of acid doesn’t help the system to recover so shit to diet which will be more on alkaline i.e. low on fat , acid and high on micronutrients

· Our body is largely alkaline so when you through the diet [tea is acidic, milk is acidic, all animal products are acidic] supply a regular dose of acid there is subtle inflammation continuously present and this advances the diabetic disease

· The inner lining of stomach is totally new every 3-4 days, the top layer of tongue is totally new in 7-10 days, red blood cells are totally new in 120 days , liver is totally new in 5-6 months, 90% bone is new in 1 year and 100% in 3 years

· First kill the fat entering your system

o Stop taking milk, curd, ghee, oil, egg, poultry, and meat.

o Food items that are high in acid and ruthlessly cut them off

§ Cheese, red meat, poultry , fish, eggs

§ Milk and dairy products

§ Tea , coffee

§ Wine, alcohol

§ Vinegar, salt

§ wheat

o Once you stop milk blood sugar start falling within 2-3 days and we have to reduce the medications / insulin immediately

§ Milk is 49% fat so it adds to the fat load increasing the intramyocellular lipid [inside muscle cell fat] thus increasing insulin resistance

§ Milk contains IGF [insulin like growth factor] which blocks the insulin receptors and consequent rise in sugar levels

§ Homogenization of milk reduces the size of fat globules and its gets more readily absorbed in the intestines

§ If you are serious on reversal quit milk immediately and completely

· People wake to a hot cup of tea or coffee , it is acidic , kills natural enzymes doesn’t supply the minerals and vitamins the body would love to have first thing in the morning and shoots up your stress hormones which work against insulin we start diabetics on a special juice / smoothie first thing in the morning and they start reversing .. its alkaline gives wonderful vitamins, minerals, enzymes.

· A low in Glycemic index , low glycemic load and low insulin index diet ensures optimal sugar levels and space for healing pancreas , liver, kidneys , mobilization of fat and reduction of fat from muscle cells

· A diabetic who gets convinced of our approach and follows it diligently actually gets free of all medicines / insulin within 4-8 weeks

· Chlorophyll is your greatest friend in reversal since chlorophyll and hemoglobin have same molecular structure expect that magnesium is at the Centre of chlorophyll and iron is the at the Centre of hemoglobin

· Fruits are never to be had with cooked food or after meal

My Feedback:

1. Excess carbohydrate will be converted into Fat and stored inside our cells so eating FAT doesn’t get stored as FAT. So fundamentally wrong hypothesis which will lead into one wrong assumptions to another etc

2. More fat = more insulin resistance = more work for pancreas and exhaustion of pancreas = blood sugar raise = Diabetes it should be More carbs=more IR=Beta cell destruction=BS raise = diabetes

3. To simply promote vegan don’t throw unproven and wrong things on FAT, Milk etc but in recipes you were telling people to use VCO or VOO even coconut gratings so its contradicting what has been written and what has been actually asking people to take so lot of flaws , unproven assumptions not sure how do we take this book ?

Obesity documentary Fed UP

Have you seen the movie? What did you think?

Fed Up

The blame is clearly put on the real culprit: sugar and addictive junk food. Here’s the movie’s strengths… and its fatal weakness: Among the experts who get the most exposure in the movie are noted, Robert Lustig, science journalist Gary Taubes and author Michael Pollan – and former president Bill Clinton.obesity is not about calories, it’s about sugar and addictive junk food.

The movie mainly focus on vegetables but forgot to add proteins and other good stuff while eating fat and meat , looks like they don’t want to get into controversial items of fat

Sweet truth numbers were wrong

On sep 19th there was an article written in Times of india news paper about “Diet, Exercise reduce diabetes heart disease by 75% study” as shown below image


did you guys find any mistakes ?  its not easy to find out though , OK  let me tell you what is there was box with title SWEET TRUTH in that the numbers provided for diabetes and pre-diabetes were wrong i.e. its flipped, the actual number will be as follows

62.4 million people has diabetes

77.2 million people have pre-diabetes

Ref: ICMR-INDIAB study 2011.

I have contacted the author to correct that mistake at least in online version of it  on that day itself via email but still now I haven’t got any reply from her. why I am bring this here means this case was a typical example of media’s ignorance and dump wrong / unverified information to public , media should be more responsible than ever before.