Managing diabetes during Covid-19

Due to various reason I was not able to write posts regularly, especially on this pandemic people lost jobs, lost dear ones and their day to day activities got severely affected on all front i.e. financially , emotionally etc.

As we all know that diabetes is chronic illness and very vulnerable to infections due to compromised immune system, what we can do about it and how do make sure that we can keep ourself safe and make people around us safe ?

Wash hands thoroughly and regularly.
Try to avoid touching your face before you have washed and dried your hands.
Clean and disinfect any objects and surfaces that are touched frequently.
Don’t share food, glasses, towels, tools etc.
When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or use the crook of your arm if you don’t have a tissue to hand (dispose of the tissue appropriately after use).
Try to avoid contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing.
Think whether you can make changes that will help protect yourself or loved ones. For example, can you avoid unnecessary business travel? Can you avoid large gatherings? Can you avoid public transport?
If you are ill with flu-like symptoms, stay at home.
Please look at the treatment protocol issued by AIIMS

Stay safe and be safe 🙂