Recession around the corner ?

When I read about recent layoffs and lack of funding for startups I feel that we are slowly getting into slow down or into recession , let me tell you why , according to the data speaks pre covid vs up to date data.

Every stock and fund is going down, thousands of people have lost their fortunes into various things which they don’t have control over it , everything that used to be a profitable method to invest is now collapsing.

After looking around for the indicators found a great article to sense whether we are in recession or not

If you have been victim of a recent Layoff, I offer you my most sincere condolences.

PS: Don’t let yourself be eaten by anxiety.


Are currently employed, think twice before moving out and where to go.
Have just been fired, look for opportunities in non traditional way as well.
Are thinking about joining any tech career, wait for the dust to settle.
Are thinking about doing startup, Best wishes from me 🙂